Maths is a tool for making sense of our world. It’s used for good and for bad. So, when we only look at it in black & white (not in colour), we seriously limit the possibilities it can offer.
Tag Archives: maths teacher circles
Two Questions to Change the Way Your Students See Maths
Two questions to help your students deal with challenge and be persistent. Use these with all learners and maths content.
The Unlikely Connections Between Maths & Music
Music and maths. They’re not often talked about in the same breath. One’s an art, the other’s a science. One is known for its creative expression, the other has a reputation that’s anything but that. Chalk and cheese. But, are they so different?
A Revealing Memory Quiz
Often feel like you’re just ‘trying to get through the curriculum’? Here’s a way to change the way we look at curriculum content to make it far easier to go deeper with new skills and concepts – AND be less rushed.
The Glue That Holds All Maths Learning Together
We can’t just teach students to copy processes or lines of working out. We can’t just show them new definitions. That’s not enough. So, what’s missing? Mathematical reasoning.
5 Strategies for Improving Student Reasoning
Why do students forget so much of what they learn? Endless exercises, examples & definitions aren’t enough. What’s missing? Reasoning.
5 Strategies for Successful Problem Solving
Problem solving is tough for many students – yet can change the way they see maths. Here are 5 strategies for helping all students have success in problem solving.
The Maths a One Year-Old Knows (& why this matters for later learning)
The MOST learning in our lives happens before we turn two – learning that’s not always obvious, but is highly significant to our later development.
How To Turn 1 Short Maths Problem Into An Entire Lesson
Wish you could spend less time finding good tasks to use for lessons? Here’s how you can turn one short maths problem into an entire lesson that will get your students thinking.
Why Symmetry Can Be A Game-changer For Your Students
Nestled away, in a room labelled Geometry, symmetry is often ticked off and forgotten. Yet, viewed differently, it becomes a game-changing concept that can powerfully change the way students see maths.